Interview: Freeride Trailblazer Clemens Kaudela Joins Crankworx Innsbruck Trail Building Crew

Crankworx Innsbruck 2024 Is Around The Corner (c) Clint Trahan_medium

For the eighth time, the Crankworx World Tour will return to the heart of the Tyrolean Alps to host Crankworx Innsbruck. From June 12 – 16, 2024 all eyes will be on the festival that hosts a multitude of mountain bike events, bringing together the world’s best athletes with local talent, up-and-coming riders, and spectators who get to witness the action on site. No stranger to the festival is Clemens Kaudela, a true trailblazer on two wheels who has significantly shaped the landscape of mountain biking in Austria over the past few decades. The 33-year-old who is consistently pushing limits into the seemingly impossible, will lend a hand to the Crankworx Innsbruck course building team.

As the excitement builds for Crankworx Innsbruck 2024, less than four weeks away, Clemens Kaudela finds himself in a very unique situation. Not only will he be a competitor at the festival, but also a shaper, tasked with cafting the very courses he will soon conquer. Kaudela has just recently reached new heights and once again proven that he can indeed be labelled an Austrian Mountain Bike legend, becoming the first Austrian athlete to ever participate in spectacular Red Bull Rampage in 2023. 

In an exclusive interview, the man himself reveals his insights into the upcoming event and his dual role as a rider and trail architect: 

You’ve already competed at Crankworx Innsbruck yourself. How does it feel to start in front of your home crowd and what thoughts do you have at the start? 
Starting in front of a home crowd is always something very special. Of course, you know that there might be a few fans along the track that you know personally, and you always want to perform particularly well and often put a lot of pressure on yourself. But it’s all the nicer that such a big event is taking place in Austria. 

You won’t just be riding at Crankworx Innsbruck in 2024, you’ll also be shaping. How did you get into shaping and how satisfied have you been with the courses so far from a shaper’s point of view?
I basically got into shaping because I always had to build my own jumps as nothing was available where I live; that’s also why I always want to improve things. I knew I could do even better and we could only push the sport more. At the same time, it was my passion from the beginning, both riding and shaping.  

You know the courses in Innsbruck as a rider. Where did you see potential? How and which courses will you adapt based on your experiences as a rider?  
The whole Crankworx event has a lot of courses and an incredible amount of details and has always been an outstanding event in Austria for me. It had a really cool character and always looked great. I’ve never ridden the Slopestyle course myself. This year will be the first time I will have the pleasure of riding it myself prior to the event. I’ve done a few other courses, and of course they were always really, really good and up to standard. As said, there’s always room for improvement everywhere, even with my own tracks that I’ve already built like Nines & Co. That’s my basic attitude, and of course, we’ll try to use the riders’ input that I’m already diligently collecting to tweak the details towards perfection.  

What makes the courses in Innsbruck special compared to other stops? Can you judge that?  
On the one hand, there’s the panorama, which makes it special, but I would also say that the local topography always determines the character of a track and the slope here is insanely cool. Iconic from the first year! The Whip-Off also has an amazing panorama in the evening, so everyone is eager to put on a good show and get one of these cool shots of themselves. That’s simply what makes Innsbruck so special.  

Crankworx Innsbruck starts in four weeks, why should people definitely not miss the only European touchdown of the Crankworx World Tour?  
It’s a must-attend event, it’s the biggest stage in Austria for an event of this caliber and in this epic venue. Reason enough why Crankworx Innsbruck is a must for every biker. You can meet your idols and maybe get an autograph, and there’s definitely guaranteed to be some cool action.  

One last question: what do you wish for this year’s Crankworx Innsbruck?  
I wish for good weather and hopefully not much wind because everything else will follow. If the weather is good, then the atmosphere is good, the riding is good, the crowd likes it, and that’s what I want. 

Freeride Mountain Bike legend Clemens Kaudela is stoked to join the Crankworx Innsbruck crew this year (c) Crankworx Innsbruck

As Clemens Kaudela gears up for Crankworx Innsbruck 2024, his passion for the sport and dedication to push its limits shine through. Whether he’s shredding the trails or shaping them for others to conquer, Kaudela’s impact on the world of Freeride Mountain Biking is undeniable, and his presence at Crankworx is sure to elevate the event to new heights.  

Being visibly stoked for the event in June, Kaudela adds: “I’m really looking forward to shaping the track in Innsbruck, and I hope it’s going to be really cool. See you in Innsbruck in a few weeks!”

It’s less than four weeks today until the eighth edition of the festival goes underway in the picturesque setting in Innsbruck, Tyrol, in the heart of the Austrian Alps. An incredible lineup of athletes, racing and Kidsworx events promise an opportunity to create unforgettable memories. From Speed & Style, the Crankworx Pump Track Challenge presented by Raiffeisen Club Tirol, and the Specialized Dual Slalom, to the arguably most scenic Whip-Off Championships as well as the fan favourite, the Thule Slopestyle, this action-packed schedule holds something in store for everyone.  

Don’t miss out and grab your discounted Early Bird festival passes before the offer ends!